May 15th 2009
Tacoma Woman Dies in Car Accident on Highway 167 in Puyallup, Washington / Puyallup Car Accident Lawyer
At 5:00 a.m. 19 year-old Amanada Young was driving on Highway 167 in Puyallop, Washington with a 14 year-old girl as a passenger when she veared into the oncoming lanes of traffic. Thge resulting car accident was horrific. The 1987 Mercedes Amanda was driving was splint in two ejecting her and her passenger from the car. Ammanda was found dead and her passenger was to Children’s Hopistal in tacoma.
One car hit by the Mercedes was driven by Kenneth Harter, of Buckley, who also suffered critical injuries and was taken to Tacoma General Hospital. A second car hit by the Mercedes was driven by Jacob D. Jones, of Bonney Lake, who received minor injuries.
It sounds like Amanda fell asleep at the wheel and crossed into on coming traffic. Fatigue is one of the biggest causes of car accident fatalities. If you find yourself falling a sleep at the wheel, pull over and take a quick 15 minute nap. It may just save your life and that of the drivers on the road with you.
Max Meyers, Esq.
One car hit by the Mercedes was driven by Kenneth Harter, of Buckley, who also suffered critical injuries and was taken to Tacoma General Hospital. A second car hit by the Mercedes was driven by Jacob D. Jones, of Bonney Lake, who received minor injuries.
It sounds like Amanda fell asleep at the wheel and crossed into on coming traffic. Fatigue is one of the biggest causes of car accident fatalities. If you find yourself falling a sleep at the wheel, pull over and take a quick 15 minute nap. It may just save your life and that of the drivers on the road with you.
Max Meyers, Esq.