Friday, 14 September 2012

10 Ways to Pinpoint Your Niche Market

Published by Jerome Ratliff

10 Ways to Pinpoint Your Niche Market

So what is niche market?
Wikipedia says – A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing.
I couldn’t explain it any better and I’m not going to try. :)
With a business, it’s essential to know your niche market. It allows you to know who you are working with and how to cater your message for them.
I am going to show you 10 ways you can pinpoint your niche market.
1. Describe in a simplified term who your niche market is (i.e. second income) – Thanks Tommy!
2. Search your term on Google and target the 100,000′s or 10,000′s versus millions.
3. Review alternative results in the “Searches related to” section (bottom of search screen) and search on those keywords.
4. Search for your term(s) on and what sites appear with a good ranking.
5. Determine the benefit your product, service, or business offers.
6. Review what other successful people who are in your industry are doing and do what they are doing.
7. Join networking sites who are in your industry and follow the popular people (i.e.
8. Review the top searched words or phrases.
9. For your industry, describe your ideal client’s biggest struggle (i.e. I’m too fat).
10. Focus on what value you bring to the table.
Bonus – Search for popular books in your industry at and within the listing, check what keywords they use.
Not only will you know who your niche market is, but your results will allow you to pinpoint your keywords and what may potentially be your own slogan for what you do.
Robert Allen goes on to say, “There is a fortune to be made in marketing your ideas and the ideas of others.”
And when you have your niche market pinpointed, you will most certainly be on your way.
Jerome Ratliff

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